A festive blog with lots of ideas on how to make a party great, or keep it from going south. Themes, recipes, do's and don'ts, and any other helpful information I've stumbled across and thought you readers might appreciate.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

7 Best Hot Beverages for Cold Nights

7 Best Hot Beverages for Cold Nights
by PartyFan

Winter is here, and the nights grow cold. What better way to ward off the chill than a hot beverage? They are good for both body and mind, and besides, they are tasty! Here are my 7 favorites, in no particular order. Feel free to comment and tell us all about yours.

1) Cocoa. It is hard to go wrong with chocolate! There are many good instant mixes available on the market, and you shouldn't feel bad about taking advantage of them. Quick and convenient, for most people they are every bit as tasty as the stuff made from scratch. If you insist on being a purist, here's an honest from scratch recipe for you, that doesn't require scalding the milk, which I always screw up:

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup hot water
1/4 cup cocoa powder, unsweetened
4 cups milk, or 3 3/4 cups milk and 1/4 cup
half and half for creamier cocoa
2 pinches salt
3/4 teaspoon vanilla

Mix the water, sugar, cocoa, and salt in saucepan.
Stirring constantly (I can't emphasize that enough,
heat on a medium stove until it boils, keep stirring
while you let it boil for one minute. Stir in the milk
and let it warm up, but do not let it boil. When
warmed, remove from the stove and stir in the vanilla.
Serve right away.
4 servings.

Optional. Add 1/2 to 1 1/2 Oz. (to taste) of dark rum, brandy, or cinnamon schnapps. Yum!

2) Hot buttered, or mulled, cider. This stuff is delicious! Most of the recipes I've seen use a little too much butter for my taste, so I've cut the amount down in this recipe. You can add more if you like it, or leave the butter out for the simple mulled variety. Cinnamon sticks are best, they give you something to stir the butter back in with as it separates, and they seem to infuse a little more flavor, but ground cinnamon will do if that's all you have.

3 cups of apple cider or juice
2 cinnamon sticks or 1/2 tsp. of ground cinnamon
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
2-4 cloves (optional)
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg (optional)
2 tsp. butter (preferred over margarine)

Dissolve the brown sugar in cider in a saucepan. Add
cinnamon sticks or ground cinnamon, and the cloves if
you decide to use them. Heat until it just starts to
boil, and remove from heat. Place 1 tsp. butter in each
of two glasses. Strain the cloves and cinnamon sticks
from the cider, saving the sticks (placing the cloves
in a piece of cheesecloth will make this easier), and
pour the hot cider into the glasses. Put the cinnamon
sticks back in as a garnish, and sprinkle some nutmeg
on top if desired. Some people add a dash of vanilla.
2 servings.

Optional. Add 1/2 to 1 1/2 Oz (to taste) of dark rum, spiced rum, or cinnamon schnapps.

3) Coffee. Long a beverage of choice for combating the cold. If you need to avoid caffeine late in the day, make it decaf. For a long time I considered decaf as blasphemous, and I very much notice a difference in taste. As I've gotten older, I find that I can't get to sleep well if I drink the fully charged stuff later in the day, so I've gotten used to decaf. I have a trick to make it taste better, which is to blend caf and decaf together. Some people do this blending 50/50 (half caf), but I've found 25% caf to 75% decaf works best for me. If you can't taste any difference between caf and decaf, or if you are going to be putting booze in it, you won't need to use this trick. I've recently seen some partially decaffeinated coffee in the stores, but I haven't tried it yet.

Optional. Add 1/2 Oz. (to taste) of Kahlua, Amaretto, Frangelico, or cognac (with cognac it is called Cafe Royale). We'll discuss some other additives next. It is easy to overdo the liqueurs, so I recommend the smaller amount, you can always add a little more if you like.

4) Irish Coffee. Ambrosia! I have found few drink recipes that cause as many arguments as Irish Coffee, probably because the two main ingredients, coffee and whiskey, are things that many people hold very strong opinions about. I certainly have mine, which are: Irish Coffee should be served in a glass coffee mug, the rim of the glass should be frosted with sugar, it must be topped with whipped cream, the whiskey must be Irish (which to me means Bushmills, although Jameson will do nicely), and finally (I can hear some people screaming already) the coffee should be poured into the whiskey, not the whiskey into the coffee. There are many recipes for Irish Coffee out there, and I've enjoyed most of them. Here's a basic variant to get you started, although it uses heavy cream instead of whipped, and I usually don't use the brown sugar:

1 1/2 Oz. Irish Whiskey
1 tsp. brown sugar
6 Oz. coffee
heavy cream

Pour the liquids into a glass coffee mug, stir in the
brown sugar. Float the cream on top - do not stir it in.
1 serving.

5) Mexican Coffee. This is a delightfully simple variation, and I've enjoyed it on many occasions. Basically brew your coffee as you prefer, and then add an ounce or two of brandy to it. If you are doing decaf, there is no need to blend it with regular coffee, the brandy will cover up any taste difference you might normally notice.

6) Hot lemonade. Normally associated as a frosty treat on hot summer days, this is much better hot than you might think. I think sweet is better than tart when it is served hot, but you can certainly vary this to suit your personal tastes. Here's a basic lemonade recipe, simply heat it in a saucepan or the microwave after you've made it:

Make a sugar syrup first, everyone agrees this works best.
One cup sugar, one cup water, mix together in a saucepan
and stir over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Let
this mixture cool before using, you can save any extra for
another time. Next mix one part syrup, one part lemon juice,
and four parts water. If you are using all the syrup, that
will be one cup of the syrup, one cup of lemon juice, and
four cups water. Mix well. If this is too sweet, add a
little more lemon juice. Too tart, add a little more syrup.
Too thin, add a little more of both. Too thick, add a little
more water. If you don't mix the syrup first, the sugar will
settle out of the lemonade, which is undesirable.

Optional. Add 1/2 - 1 Oz. (to taste) of vodka, lemon or orange flavored vodka, or peppermint schnapps. Don't overdo it, it is easy for the alcohol to overpower the lemonade. Again, you can always add a little more if you desire it.

7) Tea. Wars have been fought over tea. White, green, or black, it is all good. Most people find that tea is low enough in caffeine that a cup or two at night doesn't bother them, but if you are overly sensitive, there are literally hundreds of caffeine free herbal blends out there, I'm sure you can find one that tickles your taste buds, and the search for the perfect one might be fun all by itself. If you sugar your tea, try a little warm honey for a special treat.

Optional. Well, I haven't any options, as I haven't found any booze that mixes well with tea. That certainly hasn't kept me from enjoying a hot cuppa, though. If you have found something that works for you, please pass the information along, I'd appreciate it!

So, there's my list. Hope you find at least one of these hot beverages enjoyable.

Stay warm!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Year's Alternative

New Year's Alternative
by PartyFan

If you have grown tired of alcohol fueled soirees full of people trying too hard to have a good time, staying up until midnight and later, worrying about your guests getting DWI's or worse, and other New Year's Eve annoyances, but you still enjoy hosting parties, consider the alternative of a New Year's Day party. This can be a wonderful event, enjoyed just as thoroughly by your guests, perhaps even more than the Eve.

Families are more likely to attend and have a good time, but the singles will show up and enjoy themselves if you do things right. I'm going to rely on a party that a friend of the family threw every year, that was very well attended, and enjoyed by all, as an example of how to do things right. I'd say her parties were legendary, but mostly they weren't talked about - yet everyone in the world showed up, at least for a quick drop-in to pay respects (which often turned into staying for "just a little while longer").

When I asked a few people who had attended her parties to tell me what the best thing about these events was, the first thing everyone mentioned was food. Yet no one mentioned the same food! That brings up our first tip - lay out a good spread, and the guests will come. Variety, variety, variety. I remembered fresh fruit platters, hollowed out pineapples filled with chunks of all sorts of goodies. Another person mentioned stuffed mushrooms, and artichoke dip. Yet another the bowls of fresh cherries and short, sweet Mexican bananas. Meatballs, lasagna, cakes, pies, chips, dips, hamburgers and hot dogs for the kiddies, you name it and there was probably a platter of it. Now she knew the party would be well attended, but there were still always leftovers, and I heard she had an arrangement to give them away to some local places that could use them - nursing homes or somewhere similar - and she had some of the guest take home plates as well.

You'll want to imitate the variety, but do try to keep the amount of food reasonable to the amount of guests you can expect to show up, especially if this is your first time throwing such a party. Once you get the tradition started, if you want to start a tradition, you can go more and more overboard as your party gets more and more attendance. This can be a chicken and the egg situation: the better the spread, the better your attendance; the better your attendance, the better you can do the spread. Don't be afraid to experiment, and while she never used full-service catering, I'm sure she didn't do everything herself, it wouldn't have been possible.

The next most common praise I heard was about the guests. Again, variety, variety, variety! There were always interesting people to chat with, folks that you might not normally encounter in your daily routine. Invite everyone you can think of, not just your close circle of friends or co-workers, and make sure the people you invite feel free to invite others. Do your potential guests have holiday visitors from out of town? Tell them to bring them along! The more the merrier. If you have space constraints or can't afford to feed the world, then you'll have to tone this down, but you do so at the risk of a having a homogeneous group of party goers boring each other with stories they've already heard. Everyone knows a character or two, so if you have to limit the guest list, make sure the characters you know are on it first and that will help avoid this potential buzz kill.

Have some booze available. It doesn't have to be a large quantity, or top shelf stuff, just cover the basics without resorting to generic rot-gut. There will be some folks who will enjoy having a cocktail, but most of the serious drinking people will have indulged the night before and will be unlikely to tie one on.

Don't start the party too early. Even people who didn't party hardy may have stayed up until the clock rolled over, and they will want to sleep in. You probably won't have to worry about the party running too late, by around sundown most people will have had about all the New Year's fun they want to have, but having a reasonable ending time won't hurt. If you do decide to shut things down at a certain time, make sure your guests know about it in advance.

Make a television available. Usually this is a distraction you don't want at a party, but in this case it is better to make an exception. You still don't want it to be a big distraction, so try to keep it out of the way and not in a central area, but having it there will be a plus. These parties always had a TV on in the den, so that people interested in the college football games could pop in and watch for a bit. If that outlet wasn't there, I'm sure some of the sports fans would have passed on the party, and being able to watch the games in the company of other folks to talk football with I'm sure was a plus. No one stayed glued to the set for all that long, and many casual viewers enjoyed being able to pop in for a moment, get an update, watch a few downs, and chat a bit.

I could go on and on, but I think that I've covered all the major areas: variety in both food and guests, just a little booze, not too early, and give the sports fans an outlet. There were other traditions to be followed (decor, certain regional dishes, good luck symbols and myths, etc), but yours will vary by region and personal taste. Make your party unique by using your own ideas and creating your own traditions. Feed them well, and they will come!

Have a good time, and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Offfice X-mas Party - Don't Have a Great Time

Office X-mas Party - Don't Have A Great Time
by PartyFan

Normally, being a fan of parties, I relish any excuse (or no excuse at all) to throw or attend one. The office Christmas party is one event, though, that has very little upside and a lot of potential downside, so I usually try to avoid them if I can. Unfortunately, while attendance is rarely mandatory, social customs and other pressures frequently mean you have to go. Even the most determined eventually wind up attending one. One of my past employers always gave out the Christmas bonuses at such a party, and while no one actually believed he would withhold the bonus of someone who didn't attend, they didn't believe it strongly enough to test the theory! So, make the best of it, have a good time if you can - just don't have a great time.

The impressions you make may have lasting repercussions in the workplace. I'm not just talking about getting roaring drunk and dancing on tables, or Xeroxing parts of your anatomy best left covered, although that certainly would have impact. Much more subtle events can have effects for months to come. Here's a few tips to minimize the potential risks, while still managing to enjoy yourself. No need to suffer, just for suffering's sake, it is a party after all. Just don't overdo it.

Good cheer is a wonderful thing to bring, but don't be too enthusiastic about it. Laughing too loudly or too often, overdoing the personal charm, or otherwise goofing around can make you seem frivolous. Frivolous workers don't get serious assignments. No need to be a buzz kill, but stay away from over the top behaviors and jokes - especially the risque. If you wouldn't feel comfortable saying it at an office meeting, it is probably a good idea not to say it at the party. If the joke someone tells you is really funny, don't be afraid to guffaw, but polite chuckles are better, especially if the jokes aren't that funny.

Moderation with the booze is key, and avoidance altogether might be your best option. If you don't drink alcohol for whatever reason, you are ahead of the game. If you do drink, make sure you don't go past a pleasant but mild buzz. Alcohol lowers the inhibitions, making it more likely you'll do something silly. People who have been drinking also have a tendency to be much louder than the sober, and this can be quite annoying, so even if you don't do anything you wouldn't do sober, you may give a bad impression without realizing it.

For some reason, there is always someone who will want to pour the booze into you, don't let them! Sip slowly. If the bar is self-serve, mix your drinks a little weaker than normal for you. Drink something non-alcoholic in between your cocktails. A great trick to fend off that person who seems determined to get you drunk is a mock-tail - something that looks like the cocktails you are drinking, but without the booze. Rum and coke your thing? Have a few plain cokes - but throw a wedge of lime in there so it looks like a Cuba Libre. Clear sodas (club, lemon-lime) are wonderful for this, the only way to tell it isn't a gin or vodka tonic is to taste it. Keep a few appropriate stock phrases at the ready: "I'm still working on this one, thanks!" and "No, thank you, I'm driving" usually work well.

One area you can indulge in safely is food. Holiday overeating is almost traditional, and making a pig of yourself is mostly expected and overlooked. If the spread is anywhere near decent, and it usually is, go ahead and stuff your face. So long as you mind your table manners, don't pile things on your plate approaching record altitudes, or get caught sneaking food into your pockets or purse for later consumption, you won't get much more than a stray joking comment, and no one will be talking about your appetite in January. Take reasonable servings, and go ahead and go back to the buffet eight, nine, a hundred times.

Try to avoid talking shop, although a certain amount of this is unavoidable, and try to mix and mingle with people you don't normally see much of at work. There is a natural tendency to clique up, and hang out with people who are familiar, but you'll probably enjoy yourself more if you aren't hearing the same stories from the same faces you see every day. Use the opportunity for a little informal networking, but keep it casual, or you might come off as overly anxious about your job, or just mildly annoying. There is almost always one person in the office who thinks they are everybody's friend, and most of the office can't stand them - don't be that person!

Last, but not least, don't be a pest to the opposite sex, and keep any potential romances exactly that - potential. Keep your flirting casual, or don't flirt at all. Be aware of signals, and if your casual flirting isn't going anywhere, stop. Serious flirting should probably be saved until a better time and place. If you really hit it off with someone, go ahead and make a date (assuming inter-office romance isn't forbidden in your circumstances), then you can pursue it in a more appropriate venue. Don't get caught necking in the hall, nothing can spoil your professional image like being seen behaving like a teenager. Behaving like a teenager can be fun, is certainly OK in certain circumstances, and I'm all for it, but getting caught at it when it isn't appropriate could be ruinous.

Don't let me scare you too badly. You probably already knew most of this stuff, and can carry it off well. Keep these tips in mind, but do try and relax and enjoy yourself. No one wants to see you bored or uptight, and I'm sure you don't want to *be* bored and uptight. Have a good time - just not a great time.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Bachelor's Guide To Gift Wrapping

A Bachelor's Guide To Gift Wrapping
by PartyFan

I know I am posting this article early. No self-respecting bachelor, or self-loathing one for that matter, has even thought about going out to buy gifts. The possibilities of an online purchase may have flirted with you, but have more than likely stayed right there at the flirting stage. I'm sure when it comes down to the wire, you will manage to remember a few of the things I'm about to tell you, or at least be able to find this article again - even though you won't bookmark it. (Google isn't just for porn!)

I'm going to presume that you are forgoing the traditional bachelor cheats like buying your gifts at stores that offer a free or low cost wrapping service, buying pre-wrapped items, giving a card or other goodies easily stuffed in a decorative envelope, or using gift bags. If you were going to cheat like that, you wouldn't be needing my advice. You want to do it yourself, for whatever reason. More than likely the reason is you want to impress somebody, and it is also quite probable that that somebody is a female you think is cute.

OK. So what is a bachelor to do? I have heard it said that one can get through life quite handily by merely following quotes from either _The Godfather_ or _Caddyshack_, but in this case I think we can't go wrong with Clint Eastwood: "Man's got to know his limitations." If you are a fumble-fingered klutz, you are going to want to keep things real basic and simple. If you aren't, you'll probably still want to keep things real basic and simple.

Most of us have seen and unwrapped a few gifts by this time in our lives, so you probably have the basic concept. Gift goes in a box, with padding if necessary. Box gets wrapped in pretty paper. Ribbon or other ornamentation is applied to the wrapped box to jazz it up. There is nothing wrong about going with this simple tried and true formula.

Here are a few places that will tell you how to do it right:

eHow Article: How to Wrap a Gift
wikiHow Article: How to Wrap a Present
YouTube Video: How to wrap a gift professionally
YouTube Video: How to Gift Wrap a Box

If you want to do something distinctive, yet still stay in the basic and simple safety zone, here's a unique idea I ran across in of all places, the library. Get a clear glass jar with a cork top, large enough to hold the gift. They sell these at most department or big box stores, and you can probably find them elsewhere at reasonable prices. Cut a round disc of wrapping paper to cover the bottom - remember to put the print side down so it can be seen through the glass. Now line the sides of the jar with wrapping paper, again print side out. Use a small piece of tape to make sure the paper stays in a tube shape, which will help hold it against the sides of the jar. Now you can paint, use magic markers to write or draw, and/or glue doo-dads or glitter, on the outside of the jar. You can do the same to the cork, making sure you don't glue things where they will keep it from still fitting in the jar. You can tie ribbons around the neck of the jar easily, or staple/pin them to the cork. Go nuts! Now put the gift inside, use some padding to keep it from rattling against the glass, and cork it.

The result will be unique, memorable, and hand-made by you, without being very time consuming or difficult. So when you finally get around to buying gifts around December 24th, remember this advice. Or cheat. I have!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turkey Still Frozen? Take This Advice!

Turkey Still Frozen? Take This Advice!
by PartyFan

OK, so you missed my tips for beginners, and your turkey is still frozen, what to do?

I have to give credit where credit is due, the best advice I have seen on this subject came 3 years ago from Ziggy M over on YahooAnswers, who got a Best Answer for it:

YahooAnswers Thaw a Turkey Question

The cold water bath works, I've done it. If you want to give it a try, here are a few tips from my past experience and research.

1. Don't use hot water. Really. Bacteria love warm and wet...

2. Leave the turkey wrapped, and putting it in a garbage bag won't hurt. The garbage bag will be needed anyways if you follow tip number four.

3. Breast side down. This is the thickest part of the turkey, and you want it under water and exchanging heat.

4. When the turkey is pliable, remove the neck and giblets from the body cavity, this will help speed the thawing. Careful with the wrapper, or re-wrap the bird in a garbage bag.

5. The common wisdom is 30 minutes in the water for every pound of turkey, and you should change the water every 30 minutes to make sure it remains cold.

6. Room temperature is not your friend! You don't want the water to reach it, nor do you want the turkey to. You want the turkey to no longer be frozen, but not be warm. Bacteria love warm and wet! Remember the Rule of 42 - degrees. Nasty things have a much harder time growing below 42 degrees.

7. If you don't want to give up your sink for the extended time it will take a large bird to thaw, improvise with a cooler, washtub, bathtub, or bucket, anything that can hold enough water and support the weight of the bird.

8. When it is thawed, or nearly so, put it back in the refrigerator. Rule of 42!

Still think Ziggy M hit the nail on the head, and provided the truly easy solution, but if you give the water bath a try, I hope these tips help out.

Good luck, and happy feasting!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

First Turkey? Don't Panic! 8 Useful Tips for First Timers

First Turkey? Don't Panic! 8 Useful Tips for First Timers
by PartyFan

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, and you find yourself committed to doing a "Traditional Thanksgiving Meal", or at least a "Real Turkey", yet you say you have never cooked a turkey before? Don't Panic! Just follow these fairly simple tips, and you can get through this in one piece - and perhaps garner a few "Yum!"s or even a "What is your secret?" along the way. Even if you are an old hand, you might find these tips worthwhile, or at least humorous when they remind you of past mistakes.

1. Avoid the number one mistake first-timers make, thaw that bird! I've seen far too many expectant cooks ready to do their thing, only to discover their bird is still half-frozen. There are ways to speed up the thawing process in an emergency, some work better than others. Don't be forced to use them! A general rule of thumb for thawing in the refrigerator is one day for every four pounds, but feel free to add an extra day or two to be sure. The bird will keep in the refrigerator quite nicely for an extra day or two, and if you wind up needing the extra time you will be very glad you planned for it in the first place. Place the bird breast side up, in the original unopened wrapper, on a tray (to catch drippings). Thawing at room temperature is not recommended.

2. Get the right size bird. There is nothing wrong with leftovers, stored properly, so if you want to cook a really big bird, go for it. Just avoid getting too small a bird, and you'll be fine. Assuming your guests want to eat, and that you would like some leftovers, figure on two pounds of bird per adult and one pound per child. If you know your guests are light eaters, you don't want leftovers, or both, half those amounts. So a party of six adults and two kids would call for a fourteen pound bird if everyone likes to eat and you want some leftovers, or a seven pound bird if you have light eaters or don't want much in the way of leftovers.

3. Even if you aren't going to stuff your bird, remember that there are things tucked inside as it came from the store. The neck and a package of "giblets" are most likely in there somewhere, make sure you get them out before you start to cook, check those cavities, and rinsing the bird out while you are at it won't hurt. If you do rinse, it is a good idea to pat dry right afterward.

4. Go Potluck. You have enough to worry about with the bird (or at least you can make such a claim with a straight face). Decide on the turkey, and perhaps a side dish or two (stuffing is a natural), and have the guests each bring a favorite dish to make up the rest of the meal. This can provide a nice variety, eases the burden on you, and involves your guests in a meaningful way in the special day.

5. Consider one of the faster cooking "foolproof" methods - the "foil wrap" at high heat, or a oven cooking bag. The oven bags are inexpensive, and if you follow the directions, cook more rapidly than most recipes, without needing higher temperatures, and you will never have a dry turkey problem. I highly recommend the bags for first, and any, timers.

6. The pop-up button is your friend! Many turkeys these days come with a little pop-up thermometer device already installed in the bird, which pops up when the turkey is done. Buy a turkey with one of these wonderful things if at all possible, then you won't have to hand check for the proper 190-195 degrees, or play "the joint should twist easily" games.

7. Let it cool! Don't try to carve the bird right out of the oven. Plan on 20 minutes of cool down before attempting to carve. It really does make a difference in the ease of carving, and the end results.

8. If you can't carve, pass the buck! It is very likely one of your guests knows how. Let them have the "honor", and don't take no for an answer.

If you follow the instructions or recipe that came with your turkey, or the appropriate recipe for your chosen cooking method (I love the oven cooking bags! Just follow the directions that are included), and keep these simple tips in mind, you'll have great success in the kitchen, and your guests will be well fed and happy.

Friday, October 30, 2009

How To Cook That Succulent And Juicy Turkey

How To Cook That Succulent And Juicy Turkey
by: Kathy Smith

The centerpiece of your Thanksgiving meal would be the roasted turkey &
it has been the king of your dinner table ever since Thanksgiving
traditions began in the US. There really are lots of great recipes out
there on how to roast turkey right but take note that the simpler the
roast turkey recipe is, the better. It's best to just have the basic
ingredients so that your turkey really will still taste like that of
turkey & not like the other ingredients that you're using.

The dressing still is considered the best accompaniment to your turkey
then it is followed a close 2nd by some mashed potatoes, deviled eggs &
the potato salad. With those dishes to accompany your turkey for sure
you'll have a really delicious dinner which is good but turkey should
still be left just the way it is, taste should still be that of turkey.

Most people usually wake up very early during Thanksgiving and they cook
their turkey within a couple of hours & then wonder why their turkey
turned out a bit tough. Actually turkey's best cooked overnight so that
you'll achieve that roasted turkey that is full of flavor & so lusciously
tender to the bite.

Cooking turkey overnight on your gas-fueled oven at low settings is
really best but it is also a bit risky. It makes me stay awake overnight
when roasting turkey inside the gas oven. I set its temp. at around 200
deg. F then at about 7AM, I just turn up temp. to around 350 deg. F and
let the cooking finish within 2 hrs.

You could try & cook your turkey on the day itself when you'll serve them
up using an electrically operated oven but you'll be sacrificing its
flavor & it won't be tender at all. Again, cooking your turkey overnight
still is one of the best things to do.

Although cooking electrically is less risky when doing overnight cooking,
it really is more expensive. Since you'll be doing the cooking for the
whole day, then temperatures will rise a bit in your kitchen. Using your
electric roaster is actually one great way of cooking your turkey. It is
not as expensive as using those gas ranges and it's safer compared to
those gas ovens. Also it creates lesser heat compared to the gas &
electrically operated oven.

Just place your turkey inside your roaster at around 11PM & cover turkey
using lots of margarine. Season with pepper and salt. Temperature should
then be set to around 200 deg. F. Then you could now go back to sleep
without worrying about anything.

If sometimes during the middle of the night you wake up, then baste your
turkey prior to going right back to sleep. Next morning when you're
waking up at 7AM, turn your temp. to around 350 deg. F. then baste turkey
for about 2-3 times during the last hours of cooking.

Your bird will cook after 3 hrs, and for sure the bird will really be
tender and "fall of the bones" tender. So use your roaster because it's
the ideal way of cooking your turkey & save you much money and will give
you that succulent and juicy Turkey for your centerpiece.

About The Author
Kathy is a food Lover! You can check out her very popular Thanksgiving
Recipes website where she shares some of her Thanksgiving Stuffing
Recipes and Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes on http://www.quickthanksgivingrecipes.com

The author invites you to visit: http://www.quickthanksgivingrecipes.com

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Great Suggestions For A Fun Thanksgiving Dinner

Great Suggestions For A Fun Thanksgiving Dinner
by: Mary Walsh

Searching for that great idea on what needs to be done on Thanksgiving
night? Thought about planning or hosting that Thanksgiving dinner and
planning to invite your family, friends, neighbors, maybe just about
everyone close to you. You may feel just a tiny bit overwhelmed on
thinking about what exactly should you be doing during Thanksgiving night.

Thanksgiving isn't just about food but rather it's the time spent with
people who are most important to you. You could allow them to enjoy
making some crafts together, maybe jump into some pile of autumn leaves,
watch that big game, or involve them in some games like Pictionary and
don't forget saying your poems and prayers for Thanksgiving, talking
about what made them feel great over the past few months because
Thanksgiving is supposed to be all about thanking the one above for the
blessings that you have received.

But of course aside from spending time with people close to your heart it
also means that juicy mouth watering turkey will be served altogether
with that perfect stuffing, or freshly made cranberry red sauce, or that
melt inside your mouth pumpkin-pie.

By tradition, celebrating Thanksgiving night usually involves the turkey,
pumpkin-pie, sweet potato dishes, freshly made cranberry red sauce then
some stuffing. But how about celebrating Thanksgiving nights with just a
twist, create favorite Thanksgiving recipes with something exciting and
unique but not deviating or going overboard on the traditionally plan set
of menu.

For starters try something different by serving your guests some
appetizers and some drinks. This usually isn't considered as one kind of
Thanksgiving tradition but you may start this tradition with just your
guests. Try serving crackers with cheese, then maybe create cheese balls
that looks alot like turkeys then offer them some hot drink of apple and
cinnamon cider and include some spike by putting liquor for those adults,
perhaps some wine for them to taste, and for your little guests create
some red-orange punch with bits of fruits.

You may stick to just your special turkey as your main food during
Thanksgiving meal; then try cranking it up by including some special
delectable spices, fresh lemon squeezed juices, orange flavors, some
liquor, walnuts and cranberries, or just about anything that you think
would simply compliment the turkey dish. Some fantastic turkey recipe
alternatives includes roasted ham with bits of pineapple, herb flavored
roasted chicken, or roasted beef draped with that delicious gravy sauce.
Twist your ordinary cranberry red sauce with something different by
mixing some fruits or including some berries like raspberries and other
fruits that goes perfectly well with you dish.

Create those starch recipes of your Thanksgiving night, by making that
sweet potato recipe with marshmallows on it with sugar (brown) and some
walnuts for extra flavor, some herbs, onions, spices, bits of bacon,
cheese altogether with just that gravy turkey, mashed tasty potatoes.

Include warm vegetables together with those dishes, like broccolis with
cheese melted in perfection or some medley of vegetables and herbs. Don't
just stick to those traditionally tossed green salads, shake them up some
more by including a blend of strawberries, cranberries, seeds, walnuts,
raisins, carrots that were shredded, onions or that delicious cheese
together with some sweet rich balsamic vinegar for your dressing.

Baking pumpkin-pie for your dessert isn't your only option. You may
choose from pie alternatives like apple-cinnamon pie with some spices, or
some rhubarb or strawberry pie, plain cheesecakes together with walnuts
and warmed caramel just drizzling at the top, cheesecakes with some
pumpkin on it, or those small pumpkin tarts or pies, carrot luscious cake
that is spiced together with creamed cheese, and then some muffins made
of carrots. Try including some variety, by turning your favorite recipes
into something extraordinary delectable delights for your future
Thanksgiving nights. Enjoy!

About The Author
Jaydon is a food fanatic! You can check out his very popular Thanksgiving
Recipes website where he shares some of his Thanksgiving Cooking Recipes
and Thanksgiving Day Recipes on http://www.quickthanksgivingrecipes.com

The author invites you to visit: http://www.greatappetizerecipes.com

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Luau Party Planning-Bring the Tropical Islands Home

Luau Party Planning-Bring the Tropical Islands Home
by: James Craven

Luau party planning is an excellent idea to move forward with. If you
love the idea of flowers, bright colors, Hawaiian music, grass skirts,
tiki torches and luau or hula dancers you are in for the time of your
life. It's the ultimate tropical illusion set perfectly in your home or
yard and would make you the hit of the neighborhood. So go ahead and take
your planning to the next stage because this article is dedicated solely
on how to make your tropical island dreams a reality.

Party planning is best if taken one step at a time and luau party
planning is no different. Your first step should be in creating a
checklist to keep track of all the key factors, including: budget, venue,
guest list, food and decorations. Once you have created your checklist,
you must decide on a budget that is workable. You can keep the price tag
relatively cheap, if kept at home and your guest list is under 25. If you
plan on having a large party you might want to consider defraying some of
the cost by asking some of your guests to bring some of the party items,
i.e. food and drink.

A luau calls for a creative invitation. You may want to think about
having them professionally made, giving you the choice between some
already prepared invites. Or if you had something special in mind, have
them created per your imagination. You could also go online and have them
sent out via e-mail. There are some great services that provide excellent
choices for any type of party. If you decide to craft them yourself go
with bright colors and maybe a picture of a hula dancer. Try and create
the right mood. This will certainly catch the interest of those you are
trying to invite.

Once you have the invitations sent out and the parties venue picked out,
start choosing your decorations. You are going to want to have the right
ambience set for the party. In order to create that festive atmosphere
and Hawaiian feel use a lot of candles, balloons, and tropical
adornments. Hawaiian music is an awesome mood setter too.

When choosing your food, go with the tropical variety. Some choices to
consider are; pineapples, mango, coconuts, fruit drinks, tropical drinks,
wine coolers, roast pork, veggie kabobs, rice and salad.

An important factor in making your luau party planning a success is by
having the right entertainment. There are many ways to make this work. If
you have the funds, hire a hula dancer for the evening. A Hawaiian band
would also be a great choice. If you can't find one in your area you
could always hire a DJ. There are also many other things you can do to
bring the Big Island home. There are outdoor games you could play. A
favorite would be crab football. The rules are similar to soccer except
you use a large inflatable ball and everyone walks or tries to run like
crabs. This is done by placing your hands down in front of you and
scurrying around. It is fun to play and even more fun to watch. Another
cool thing you can do is add body art. The kids will absolutely love the
idea of having their faces painted and maybe some of the adults will too
once they've had a few drinks.

Luau's are definitely a great time. You can expect a lot of playful fun
and laughter. When the time comes and the guests arrive at the door give
them the added surprise by wearing a grass skirt and a ring of flowers or
lei around your neck. The cameras will surely snap. Then take it a step
further and place a lei around their neck. It'll be your turn to take
pictures and it'll be the beginning of a party long to be remembered.

About The Author
James Craven is a party planning expert. For more information regarding
luau party planning visit: PlanningParty.net

The author invites you to visit: http://www.planningparty.net

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cocktail Party Planning-Drinks Before Dinner

Cocktail Party Planning-Drinks Before Dinner
by: James Craven

The definition of a cocktail party hasn't changed. It is still considered
an early evening or late afternoon party where drinks are served in a
socially active atmosphere. The picture is clear. There are no real
hurdles to cross, making it fairly simple to prepare for. So take the
bull by the horns and make your cocktail party planning a success.

A good cocktail party can be a lot of fun. The guests are bursting with
energy, crackling with conversation and slowly sipping their drinks. The
scene is all so familiar. The night is young, the appetizers are
delicious and so is the taste of the alcohol. Everyone is either laughing
or deep in conversation, whilst the host is preparing another drink. The
crowd shifts towards the deck, where a group is bursting with laughter
from some old joke. These are good times that create fond memories.
Whether it be between family and friends or the more common cocktail
party for business or corporate gatherings. It matters little, because
the actual cocktail party planning is the same. It is fairly simple and
easy to prepare for.

There are a few decisions to be made pertaining to the type of cocktail
party you would like to have. It normally depends on who you plan on
inviting. Such as, if it were to be mainly business associates you may
want to have everyone arrive in formal attire. If it were going to be
family, the decision on how to dress is best left up to them, unless you
had other plans where the party itself was a prelude to a long night out
on the town. Whatever your choice of dress, the rest is your basic
pattern of cocktail party planning.

The best place to start is with your guest list. From there, send out
your invitations. Once you have a rounded number of approximate guests,
you can figure on the amount of food and drink. Of course, it is always
best to have more instead of less, so when doing your shopping make sure
you spend more than what is needed, while not breaking your planned
budget. Also while you are out shopping, you may want to purchase some
flowers to match the table cloth and add some other decorations, if you
are so inclined. Flowers are always a nice touch to any table and I
highly recommend adding them.

Now that you have the desired ingredients or readymade appetizers to go
along with the wine, champagne, booze and/or beer you may begin getting
the living room ready for some heavy foot traffic. If not the living
room, then maybe the deck or the pool house would be ideal. Wherever you
choose be sure you are able to provide ample seating for all the guests,
along with glassware. Since you will be serving a large amount of drinks
you may want to hire a bartender for the evening. It isn't good practice
at a cocktail party to have everyone pour their own drinks, so the job
would ultimately fall on the host. If you would rather spend the night
laughing and giggling, mingling and bouncing from one conversation to the
next it would be a headache saved and a good time made by hiring out. You
could easily find someone to work behind the bar for a fair amount or you
may get lucky and have one of your friends opt-in for the job. Although
this would be my preference it is not to say you would not enjoy serving
drinks. The bartender is surely very popular at all occasions and gets
plenty of attention, but as host more than just drinks must be served.

The appetizers are an important part of any cocktail party. So make sure
you get it right by having enough to last. If dinner is not in the plans
for the evening, expect more to be eaten and faster. If dinner is
planned, then figure on just the opposite.

Cocktail parties are great social events. If you are making plans, don't
plan on having fun. It just happens!

About The Author
James Craven is a party planning expert. For more information regarding
party planning visit: www.PlanningParty.net

The author invites you to visit: http://www.planningparty.net

Monday, October 26, 2009

Party Planning Checklist-A Party Planner's Bible

Party Planning Checklist-A Party Planner's Bible
by: James Craven

You're about to start planning a party, but don't know where to start.
You run to the grocery store, looking at this and that, deciding on a few
things you may need, knowing the whole time you've forgotten something.
Now it's time to head over to the local department store for some
decorations. You follow the same unguided principles you went through at
the grocery store. Then once again you missed a few things at the liquor
store. You've also forgotten to send invitations to so and so and a few
others and the party is only a few days away. Suddenly you find yourself
scrambling back to all the same stores trying to find the items you
missed the first time around. Then out of nowhere the night of the party
arrives and you realize you don't have enough food for all the invited
guests. Then the worst possible thing happens, you hear a knock at the
front door. It's as if a new and frightening nightmare has blossomed out
of thin air. You feel the shakes coming on and your stress level is
reaching new and incredible heights. I could go even further, but I think
you get the idea. If only you had begun your planning by keeping track of
all that you need, every purchased item and menu dishes prepared. If only
you had made a party planning checklist none of the awful party mistakes
listed above would have happened. Now that I've gotten the point across
about how important a checklist is I will now inform you about what it
needs in order to make it work.

A party planning checklist should consist of the type of party you plan
on having, it's budget, the guest list, venue, decorations, food and
beverages and the time and date of your party. Start by writing yourself
a header. Something like, 'Luau party planning checklist', will do just
nicely. The reason it's a good idea to create a headline is it will make
it more difficult to deviate from your parties theme if you keep reading
it over and over.

The next aspect of your checklist should definitely be your budget.
Creating a budget and keeping track of all your spending is very
important. Your budget will be the key reason for many of your up and
coming party decisions. The checklist is a way of keeping everything in
order so you don't overspend in one area and leave another area short.

The item listed after the budget on the party planning checklist is
usually your venue choice. If you are planning to have the party away
from home the venue choice will cost money and will come out of your
budget and a time will have to be arranged for decorations and so forth.
If your party is going to be at home, and you have to hire a professional
to come and clean some unwanted stains out of your rug the parties budget
will be affected, making it an important listing in your checklist. Of
course, if your home needs nothing besides some freshening up you may
leave it off your list for now.

The checklist is about to be hammered with information and the reason for
this is you're about to create your guest list. Here you should write out
the invitees names, phone numbers and addresses. You will be needing this
information for the invitations and it makes it much easier than trying
to look through your address book and try and remember who was invited,
what their numbers are and where they live.

The menu should be added once you have completed the above. Now you will
have a clear idea as to what you need and how much. List the items you
need, then check them off the list once purchased, while also keeping
track of prices. The same goes for decorations.

The information listed above should help prevent problems created by
trying to 'wing it'. If not, there is plenty of available information out
there, you just have to know where to look.

Good luck on your up and coming party and have a great time.

About The Author
James Craven is a party planning expert with over 20 years experience.
For more information and valuable tips on party planning checklist visit:

The author invites you to visit: http://www.planningparty.net

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Party Planning Information-The Party Starts Here

Party Planning Information-The Party Starts Here
by: James Craven

The days of your youth are at an end. Back then party planning was so
simple anyone could do it. Unfortunately things must change. You've grown
up and things no longer come as easy. Actual planning must be strategized
in order for your party to produce a success. The best way to insure a
great party today is by examining the possibilities. The party planning
information you will discover here takes you bounding through time to the
here and now, gleefully leaving your childhood behind, into a world of
alcohol, great food and variations of intense partying that'll fit any
mood or personality.

This strategy of party planning is for those looking to create a more
formal affair. If you want to revert back to your youth, you can
certainly make some phone calls and tell your friends to bring the beer
and the chips because the party is at your place tonight. Otherwise, read
on, because the party planning information you are looking for starts now.

There are 6 basic steps in party planning that you must consider.

The 6 basic stages of preparation are:

1) Checklist: The creation of a checklist is a vitally important tip for
anyone who plans on having a party. It is imperative to keep track of all
your party preparations. In order to eliminate the inevitable stress,
create a checklist, then use it.

2) Deciding on the type of party: For most people the idea for a party
developed long before the date for the event was scheduled. This is true
in most cases, but not all. There are many different types of parties,
including: theme, luau, surprise, baby shower, wedding, bachelor,
surprise, etc. If you've decided to have a party, but don't know what
type, now is the time to make a choice. Once you've come to a decision,
write the name down on a piece of paper and entitle it (your party
choice) checklist.

3) The Budget is a major step: This is the step that has a direct impact
on most of your coming decisions. Your budget size decides the size of
your party, where it will be held, what type of food and beverages you
will serve and whether or not you will be adding decorations.

4) The Venue is next: Where you want to have your party should be next in
your party planning. This decision is not always an easy one. If you have
a large guest list and the accommodations will in no way be adequate,
renting a space may be your only choice. However, if your budget is
limited, don't be shy in asking for help from relatives and friends.
Remember this is a party you are having and your guests will more than
likely be willing to help.

5) The Guest list should now be formulated: Now that the other big
decisions have been covered you can begin the actual guest list. You
should now know whether or not your party will be big or small, at home
or abroad. With this information in hand, the who and the how many on
your guest list should be jotted down on your checklist. The invitations
should now be sent. The partying is soon to begin and the excitement is
definitely building at this point.

6) The Food and Beverage Menu: With all the other planning accomplished
the menu should now be sorted. Take great care in your food planning.
This is an area where people tend to make mistakes and find themselves
either running short or running out at the last minute to grab something
they've forgotten. Don't let this happen to you. Plan accordingly.

Those are the basic steps in party planning. With the information listed
here you will be well on your way to having a party that will far surpass
the days when making a phone call was all you needed to do.

About The Author
James Craven is a party planning expert with over 20 years of experience.
For more great tips regarding party planning information visit.

The author invites you to visit: http://www.planningparty.net

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Be A Great Potluck Host For Thanksgiving!

Be A Great Potluck Host For Thanksgiving!
by: Kathy Smith

Being the host of an appetizing potluck isn't as easy as it sounds but
it's definitely fun once you learn how to handle one, especially when
it's during a warm and fruitful holiday like Thanksgiving. Here are ways
that might help improve those hosting skills.

1) Write down the number of people you are expecting on that day. Your
family, friends, neighbors, business partners, colleagues, anyone you are
expecting or the ones you invited. Don't forget to include the people who
might be coming along with them (kids, girlfriends, boyfriends). This
list will help narrow down the quantity of prepared food needed.

2) The holiday's potluck must have the common or usual dishes in order
for things to remain traditional. But adding new ones to the developed
menu isn't a bad idea. It's actually a brilliant idea! Select a specific
menu you plan on having for the dinner and inform the expected guests
about it. Try looking for a selection which you think everyone will
appreciate. The holiday's potluck must have the traditional turkey,
veggies, garnishes, condiments, desserts, berries and breads.

3) Make everything easier by e-mailing the chosen menu to expected guests
coming. Also ask what dish in the selected menu they plan on bringing
over. Some are nice enough to volunteer in bringing more dishes. A family
might even bring more than expected.

It would also be easier if they could tell you the food they plan on
bringing ahead of time to avoid guests bringing the same kind. So
deadlines must be set. Inform them the number of expected guests coming
that day for them to know the amount of food they'll be preparing.

4) An extra hand is always useful in the preparation of a successful
Thanksgiving potluck, so do not hesitate to ask. You could just probably
ask the closest to you or anyone free on that time to go to your house
earlier and give you a hand.

It's a lot more fun having someone accompanying you rather than having no
one helping you out. This will make the tasks lighter and faster to
accomplish, plus you also have the opportunity to bond with each other
more. More things you may be thankful for.

5) Display the prepared potluck on one table big enough for all the
dishes. Arrange it like how a buffet is done to let that appetite grow.
Make sure everything is set well. Potlucks are best eaten when
self-served, especially when it's Thanksgiving.

Invite everyone to eat. Start by digging in yourself. But of course don't
forget to say grace before doing so. Let's be reminded of what
Thanksgiving really means. Then, nothing else is left but to have fun
with Thanksgiving potluck. Happy Thanksgiving!

About The Author
Kathy is a food Lover! You can check out her very popular Thanksgiving
Recipes website where she shares some of her Thanksgiving Stuffing
Recipes and Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes on http://www.quickthanksgivingrecipes.com

The author invites you to visit: http://www.greatappetizerecipes.com

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Learn How To Prepare The Most Disgusting Halloween Recipes Ever.

Learn How To Prepare The Most Disgusting Halloween Recipes Ever.
by: Chris D Gardner

To stimulate one's appetite, presentation is key. Food that looks
appealing can get people crave for them. If you're looking for added fun
and gross dishes for your upcoming Halloween party, here are some ideas
that are sure to be a big hit and is sure to really make party guests
scream in delight.

Pimple Poppers


1 dozen cherry tomatoes, drained
Soft cream cheese spread, flavored

Core the tomatoes using a small knife. Stuff the holes with cream cheese
using a butter knife. By gently squeezing them, you give the gross idea
of popping out a pimple. Arrange onto a platter and serve.

Hairball salad in drool dressing


1 ripe avocado
Grated carrots
Vinaigrette or any salad dressing of your choice

Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop out the flesh and put
in a bowl adding the sprouts and mashing it using a fork. Having some
lumps is fine. Set aside. Then, distribute the grated carrots evenly
depending on how many servings you like. Form hairballs the size of
walnuts and put them over on your grated carrots. Then drizzle the salad
dressing, which constitutes the 'drool'. Serve.

Ghoulish Eyeballs


6 hardboiled eggs
6 oz. cream cheese, whipped
7 oz green olives, with pimiento
Red food color

Remove the shell off the eggs and remove the yolks. Stuff the hole with
whipped cream cheese so as to form the eyeball. Press one olive to every
eyeball. Make sure the pimiento faces up. Now, draw broken blood vessels
in the stuffing using the toothpick dipped in red food color.

Stale Bath Water


12 oz frozen lemonade
2 liters lime soda
Half a gallon sherbet

Thaw the sherbet for about 15 minutes and place in a container. Prepare
the lemonade according to package instructions and blend with the lime
soda and the sherbet. At this point, the sherbet should melt and turn
into grayish-brown liquid, much like used bathwater. You may use colored
mints to float on your scummy-looking drink.

Gooey Brains


1 pack jello
1 carton cottage cheese, small-curd
1 can of berries of your choice, in thick syrup,
Food coloring

To prepare:

First, make the jello according to instructions. Set aside to chill. In a
bowl, mix the cottage cheese and your choice of berries carefully, as
cheese constitutes the brain matter. Add food color. On a serving plate,
place a few tablespoonfuls of your jello, which makes for your brain
fluid. Drizzle with thick syrup. Top with the cheese-berries mixture.

Make these recipes a part of your Halloween party menu. These are
must-try gastronomic wonders that are bound to have your party guests
screaming in utter delight.

About The Author
Chris is a food fanatic! Visit his very popular Halloween Recipes &
Sandwich Recipes & Pork Chop Recipes

The author invites you to visit: http://www.greatappetizerecipes.com

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


by: Mary Walsh

Kids enjoy special treats during Halloween - but usually it takes some
time in creating those spooky meals, it might seem like its impossible or
such a burden to do but NO. Here are 5 quick & easy food suggestions for
your Halloween. Creating them will seem effortless and they can be easy
to prepare, it's even easy for your older group of kids to create the
treats themselves.

Eye Ball Rice Cake Treats

These treats are tasty, crunchy and they definitely look disgusting!
Align the treats onto one plate then using some squeezy bottled ketchup,
trace red lines across the plate for it to appear like a spider. Cut into
circles some cheese for that violent yellow pupil look, then top it with
1 slice of pepperoni or salami. Feel free to vary the eye ball treats
with different kinds of elements, prefer choosing those that kids surely

Ghostly Burger Treats

Cook burgers. During cooking, create or trace out ghostly shapes of
cheese using some Halloween molders or with the use of some template.
Then cut two eye holes. Once they're done, arrange each cheese with
ghostly shapes on top then quickly cook them using a grill or a broiler
until cheese starts to melt.

Guts Jello

Mix some yellow or green jelly then pour them in suitable Halloween
containers, you may use goblet shaped containers that looks grand, but
plastic cups would work. Once ready, drop some plastic spiders on top in
every container. Allowing them to stand each alongside every plate while
scattering some extra spiders will enhance that spooky effect.

Marshmallow Ghouls and Ghosts

During the event invite a group of kids who want to be involved in the
festivities to make this activity easy and fun. Melt chocolates (white)
or chips of chocolates (white) into a microwaveable bowl then microwave
these for one to two minutes. While waiting, string some marshmallows
(white) on each lollipop or popsicle stick.

Then dip each marshmallow on some chocolate (melted) while swirling them
around ensuring total coverage of every ghost heads. Take the treats out
then put them flat onto each paper plate for chocolate to cool. Prior to
it cooling, push two silver pieces of balls to serve as eyes.

You may use some writing frosting tube to create one mouth also include
some features that you like. Create each ghoul using multi-colored
marshmallows. Then thread each of the marshmallows onto sticks then add a
bit of green food coloring unto chocolate (melted) prior to swirling each
of the marshmallows, to ensure total surface coverage.

Use two silver pieces of balls to serve as their eyes just like what we
did earlier, and then add a bit of decoration as well: for example, we
made strawberry strands of candy appear to look like its hair; we could
have included some drops of chocolate for those ears if only we had not
already eaten all! Allow your chocolate to cool just like before

About The Author
Mary is a food lover! Visit her very popular Halloween Recipes & Sandwich
Recipes & Pork Chop Recipes

The author invites you to visit: http://www.greatappetizerecipes.com

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cooking Accessories for BBQ's

Cooking Accessories for BBQ's
by Sandy Darson

Grilling is a time-honored tradition enjoyed by many families. Barbequing is great especially during the summer months or whenever the weather outside is warm. Grilling is also enjoyable because it is a relatively fast process (depending on the type of grill you have) and the food tastes great too! Barbequing also creates a delicious aroma and is a great occasion to bring together family and friends. Although every chef and grilling enthusiast has his or her own methods, hot dogs and hamburgers are always popular because there are so many excellent cooking accessories that make grilling these foods much easier.

Reliable Racks

A reversible rack is the perfect addition to the collection of any avid grill master. Use it on the slotted side and you have individual spaces for grilling multiple slabs of ribs off the rack. This allows you to grill enough to feed everyone at your summer party or family gathering. Flip it over and you are ready to barbeque that tasty brisket or even the holiday turkey for the whole extended family. Made with a non-stick coating, this grilling rack helps ensure that you spend less time cleaning up and more time with your friends and family.

Bountiful Baskets

Grilling family favorites such as hamburgers, hot dogs, and even sausage can be an even more enjoyable process with the right cooking tools
. Flipping each burger or hot dog
individually can be a slow process. After your food is finished cooking, you may have to clean the charred areas of the grill as well. This tedious process can be prevented with the proper tools.

Rather than turning each burger individually or turning those hamburgers one by one, add a handy basket to your grilling accessories that allow you to cook and turn four hamburger patties
at once or a variety of sausage links. Not only does this make burger flipping a breeze, but it also makes clean up a snap since the food never touches the grill rack and the basket itself is made of non-stick material.

Kabobs are another tasty treat straight from the grill that can cause a considerable mess without the right tools. Although a simple skewer has long been thought to be the best way to grill up this meal, a kabob grilling basket is really the best way to go to avoid lost morsels, burnt food and a time consuming clean up after the coals have cooled. With kabob baskets, you can cut up your favorite cuts of meat, vegetables, mushrooms, and never waste a drop of flavor by puncturing them with the skewer. Instead, everything loads easily into this nickel-plated steel wire basket. Best of all, you can toss this into the dishwasher once you have completed the meal so that your time to relax can begin sooner.

Attractive Accessories

Everyone knows that most barbequed delights are only as good as the marinade and spices used during the cooking process. A good set of tongs should be present with your set of kitchen supplies
. By investing in a set of tongs that also perform other important tasks, you can save a lot of time. Basting tongs are a great way to accomplish this. With the hand brush affixed onto the tongs
, you can lift, baste, and turn your items all at the same time.

Even if you are not ready to turn in your trusty tongs for these upscale variations, you can still safely season all your grilling selections. Long handled salt and peppershakers in a hard wood design can keep your fingers from getting crisp while spicing up all your meals from the grill.

Quick Clean Up

Not every grilling surface is going to be perfectly clean at the end of a cookout, even with all of the unique and handy of grilling gadgets. Grease drips and meat can still stick. Rather than spending the day scrubbing the grill with steel wool and sturdy sponges, a Grill Daddy Brush is truly one of those cleaning devices that every griller should consider purchasing. Regardless of whether the grill is hot or cold, this powerful steam cleaner brush removes the residue that accumulates on the grill along with tough stuck-on grease. When you have finished your task, remove the cleaning head for easy cleaning in dishwasher.

Because the art of grilling is enjoyed by many households, it is important to have tools that make the process much easier and less stressful. If you are cooking hamburgers and hotdogs, it is helpful to use a basket that allows you to lift all the patties or hotdogs at the same time. This allows you to avoid picking up each hotdog or hamburger one at a time. You also reduce the risk of dropping the food. When cleaning the grill, it can be difficult to clean the residue thoroughly using a steel wool brush. You should consider a Grill Daddy instead.

These are all products that make your grilling life much easier. If you are planning a family get together or party for your friends, you should consider these tips and product suggestions, grill some delicious food, and enjoy!

About the Author

Sandy Darson is a freelance writer who writes about home accessories, often focusing on specific items such as a glass beverage dispenser.
Article Source: Content for Reprint

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Halloween Activities for Kids

Halloween Activities for Kids
By: Nikki Phipps

There's no doubt about it; kids love Halloween. They love dressing up in costumes and collecting loads of candy. But did you know that kids also enjoy participating in other fun, creative activities as well? There are tons of interesting ways to entertain a child's imagination, including simple craft projects and games. Why not take advantage of this amazing holiday by spending some extra time with the children and doing these activities together?

Craft projects are a great way to get your child involved with Halloween traditions. Children love the chance to use and show off their imagination. Why not allow them to help out with the Halloween decorations? Sure, you could go out and spend lots of money on decorations that are already assembled, but wouldn't it be nice to save some cash by making your own? And as a bonus, you get to share the moment with your children.

Here's a nifty idea for adding Halloween charm to your porch or patio. Thoroughly clean and remove the labels from empty 2-liter pop bottles and pour a little bit of orange paint inside, replacing lid afterward. Let the kids shake the bottles around until the inside is covered with orange paint. Once dry, allow them to decorate faces onto the outside of the bottles with black paint. Add a green ribbon or bow to the top of the bottle and set on the porch. To lessen the chance of your pop-bottle pumpkins from blowing over, you can add a handful of sand using a funnel.

Another fun project for the kids involves making pumpkin pouches from ordinary paper plates. These creative little pouches will look great hung on the wall or door. Use them for holding candy or other items. In fact, use them all year long. They can easily be created to change as the seasons do. Take two plates and cut one in half. Secure the half plate onto the whole one using either staples or weaving ribbon through punched-out holes. Paint the plate pouch orange and allow it to dry. Decorate the pumpkin with funny or spooky faces and hang (pouch out). You could also have the kids create a festive Halloween handprint wreath for hanging on the front door. Choose autumn-colored pieces of construction paper and trace around your child's hand. Cut the little hands out and glue them together in the shape of a wreath. These can be further decorated or left as is. The size of the wreath is up to you.

Planning a party? Get the kids to help out with the invitations. Create adorable ghost print cards using their own footprints. Your children will not only enjoy making them, but your guests will love the cute designs as well. Simply grab some black and orange-colored construction paper (amount will vary depending on how many people), white tempera or other washable paint, and some gold gel markers. Lay down some newspaper and fill a shallow container with paint. Fold each piece of construction paper in half and place, one at a time, onto the newspaper. Have each child dip his/her foot into the paint and 'stamp' the card with a footprint. Allow the cards to dry; afterward, let the kids add a face onto the ghost and print a small message inside using markers. You could use glue for this instead and decorate with glitter.

You could attach some lively little ghost pops onto each card. Just have the children cover a tootsie pop with tissue and secure it in place with a piece of orange or black yarn. Use a marker to add a face to the ghost. These also make fun treats to give out to the trick-or-treaters.

Other interesting ideas for the kids to make and give out to party guests as well as trick-or-treaters include bat bags and candy cups. Use an ordinary brown paper lunch bag and some brown construction paper. Have the kids draw a bat's head onto the piece of construction paper and cut it out. Let them decorate it with markers, glitter, etc. Fill the bag with treats, fold the top over, and staple (parent/adult should do this). Of course, you don't need to feel limited to bats; allow them to choose whatever Halloween design they want or one that goes with a party theme.

Candy cups are good for party guests. Simply allow kids to decorate Styrofoam cups with markers relating to Halloween theme. Meanwhile, fill some plastic baggies with individually wrapped candy and tie the tops with decorative yarn or ribbon. Let the kids drop one baggie into each of the cups; these can also contain the names of guests or allow the guests to become involved as well and include the activity as a party event.

While children are always fascinated with creative craft projects, they simply love the opportunity to play. Games are another fun way for them to enjoy the Halloween festivities. Traditional games such as Snap Apple are always a hit. Hang an apple from the doorway with a string and have the children take turns trying to bite the apple, with their hands behind their back. This game was thought to bring good fortunes to those accomplishing the task. Of course, you could give a prize instead.

An interesting alternative to the more traditional Halloween games might include a good old-fashioned game of Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin. This game is played in the same way as Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Create a pumpkin from a piece of orange poster board and draw a mouth and eyes onto it with black marker. Create the nose from a piece of black poster board or construction paper and attach some double-sided tape to the back of it. Blindfold the players, having them turn around a couple of times, then allow them to 'pin' the nose onto the pumpkin. Winner gets a small prize.

Halloween isn't just about the candy or the costumes; nor is it about the ghosts, goblins, or witches. Halloween is an ideal occasion for spending and honoring time with family and friends. From small decorating projects to fun games, the Halloween season offers plenty of easy and interesting activities for the kids as well as the parents.

Author Bio

This article was written by Nikki Phipps and was sponsored by DareToScare.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pig Roast Tips from the Experts - The Porkers

Pig Roast Tips from the Experts - The Porkers
by: Michael Achey

During the summer bbq season, a number of people have asked the Porkers
their secret to the perfect roast pig. The Porkers’ owner and professional pit master/pig roaster Michael Achey has compiled a list of 7 important tips on the art of cooking the perfect spit roasted pig. For more on The Porkers, go to http://www.pigcooks.com.

Tip # 1 - Roast Slowly

Cook a pig of over 40 pounds for a minimum of four hours, ideally at least six hours. You can’t rush great pork.

Tip # 2 - Cook it More Slowly

This can’t be overemphasized. Why? Because it takes time to break down the pig’s connective tissue into tender, delicious meat that everyone will love. For example, Hawaiian style roast pig can take 12 hours.

Tip #3 – To Baste or Not to Baste, That is the Question

And the answer is – no basting’s necessary. The pig will cook in its own juices. However, the Porkers have created their own special blend of seasonings (sorry, it’s a trade secret).

Tip # 4 – When Do You Stuff a Pig?

This is popular outside of the United States, such as in the Philippines. The Porkers don’t think this is necessary, but if you want to give it a go, it’s best with a small or suckling pig.

Tip # 5 – The Best Coals to Use Are…

Not charcoal brickets. The Porkers recommend hardwood charcoal for that one-of-a-kind succulent flavor. You can find them at stores selling outdoor equipment or Home Depot.

Tip # 6 – Utensils

The bottom line is, if you need a knife, then it’s cooked incorrectly. When the pig roasts long enough (yes, we’re talking “slowly” again), the meat will fall off into small pieces, including the ribs. With the Porkers’ pigs, we can separate the meat with our hands (sanitized hands,
of course).

Tip # 7 – Don’t Go From the Spit to the Plate

After you’ve roasted the pig slowly, remove it from the heat and allow it to keep turning for another 30 minutes. This evens out the temperature of the meat, which levels the moisture content as well.

The Porkers mastered the art of pig roasting after hundreds of BBQ's and a relentless desire to create the perfect entrees. Achey and partners will bring a whole pig on a spit to any location in the NY metropolitan area. And that's not all The Porkers provide - a full menu of barbecue
style food is included in the package price, including vegetarian options. The Porkers bring everything needed for a roasted pig, creating a worry-free experience for hosts and guests. A minimum of 40 party-goers is suggested to get the maximum value from each pig. For more
information, visit their website at http://www.pigcooks.com.

About The Author
Michael Achey is the owner of The Porkers, a pig roast catering company.
He is an expert is the art of spit roast pig, so his tips have been
tested and proven absolutely delicious!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How To Choose A Catering Service

How To Choose A Catering Service
by Kurt Metzger

When choosing a catering service, there are many important items to take into consideration that will make your event the most successful. If this is the first time you have ever researched a catering service, the process can be daunting as it is much more than just the food that the
catering services will provide, but the entire feel, style and mood of the event is offered centered around the food and the caterer. For more information, visit http://www.conceptcateringbyck.com.

Budget. Everyone has a budget of each part of their event, and catering will often be a large piece of the pie. It is important to know exactly what you want to spend and go from there. As you begin your research, important things to consider are what exactly does you catered include. Is a wait staff provided? Are all supplies included? Is set up & cleanup a part of the process? Knowing what you can afford and what catering services provide is a great place to start.

Reputation. You are going to want to research the reputation of your catering services very careful and do research many references. Search the internet to look for reviews, but do not be afraid to ask for a list of references as well. You are not just looking to see if the food was fabulous. You want to research if the event in relation to the catering services was smooth? Was the wait staff provided professionally and pleasant for your guests? Was everything above & beyond expectations? Particularly if you are looking for a wedding catering service, the caterer is such an vital part of the wedding reception and it is important to really have a good feel of how the caterer performs.

Overall Event Coordination. You will want to know exactly how your catering service will coordinate with the rest of the event as your food & catering will often set the tone. Think of things such as coordination of flowers, entertainment and the facility itself. It is important that
your catering services is aware of all aspects of your event and willing to work with other aspects.

Surprises. An excellent catering service will be cool under pressure when it comes to handling surprises. Whether it is a guest with a not previously mentioned allergy and needs something special last minute or several surprise guests appearing at your event. Maybe your entire event
is even running behind schedule. The best catering services will get through unplanned circumstances smoothly and without worry.

Personality. It is very important for you to make sure that your catering service is run by people that you can get along with. Particularly if it is a wedding catering services, this is the most important event of your life and you want to have a catering service that is not only excellent
but is one in which you can communicate well with, listens to you, responds to you and you interact with well.

Food. Saving the best for last – the food! Of course you want to make sure the food is absolutely wonderful. Make sure you are able to sample and taste many different choices. Ask about where the catering service shops for their ingredients. If it important to you, ask about local and organic ingredients. Many catering services will accommodate your wishes if you prefer organic ingredients. Ask about special requests for specific ingredients.

Your catering service for your event should be willing to talk to you about all of these areas and answer even the toughest questions. Their goal is not only to prepare great food, but make your event special, memorable and fantastic. If they are not willing to spend the time to answer these types of questions, it is a good sign to keep looking.

About The Author
Born in the San Diego area, Kurt Metzger knew at a young age that he wanted to be a chef. Encouraged by his mother, whom he describes as a great cook, he began experimenting in the kitchen and eventually took his first professional job in the kitchen of a local restaurant in Houston. Kurt now runs a successful high-end San Diego catering service and is also the creator of http://www.conceptcateringbyck.com

Friday, October 2, 2009

Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Yard Bird

Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Yard Bird
By: Capt'n Salsa
Wow I have a hankering for some really good grill roasted chicken, the melt in your mouth variety with some fresh homemade salsa slathered right on top. Just seems that we never have time during the lazy days of summer to get everything done. You know, you have to mow the grass, weed the garden and if you're lucky harvest a bounty of fresh produce from your own little truck farm.

Now you expect me to cook supper too? It's time to tell you my secret and go hunting for my favorite "yard bird", Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Yard Bird, to be exact.


Delicious golden brown moist and tender some of the best melt in your mouth grill roasted chicken you will ever eat. Now, don't let the hunting phrase concern you. The extent
of hunting chicken for me is looking for a big plump 3.5 to 4 pounder at the local grocery or meat market. I always bag my limit of two because it is just as easy to cook two at the same time to guarantee some leftovers...

"Come on, Capt'n Salsa, quit beating around the bushes and just give us the recipe!"

Oh, Okay.

Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Yard bird is so easy you will probably laugh. Of course it goes with out saying you need to rinse the chicken in cold water before you cook it. All you are going to need is a generous amount of Lemon Pepper Seasoning. Mix up a solution of 1 part vegetable oil with 4 parts of Apple Cider Vinegar, remember that's the brown vinegar, together in a squirt bottle, an empty syrup bottle will do just fine.

Now we are going to cook our grilled chicken whole on your favorite charcoal or 2 burner gas grill using the "indirect heat" method. Your grill needs a lid that will close, too. Most of the time now I just use the gas grill, heating the grill with both burners, then turn one of them
totally off, yes, off and the other burner turn it all the way down to low.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Preheat your choice of grills. Then rinse and clean the birds. Now hose down the chicken with the mixture of oil and vinegar using the squirt bottle and sprinkle a generous portion of Lemon Pepper Seasoning all over the chicken. Don't forget the body cavity.

Place the chicken breast side up on the grill away from the heat source, above the burner that is turned off, indirect heat method remember. Squirt a little more oil and vinegar into the cavity of the chicken until it "overflows." Now close the lid. You want a low to medium low heat level. The objective is to take at least 2 to 2 1/2 hours to cook the chicken, nice and slow. Don't worry after a couple of times you will have it "down to a science" and know what works best for you.

Once you have your chicken on the grill go mow the grass or work in your garden for the next 2 to 2 1/2 hours without even looking at the birds... well, if you insist on looking after about an hour, you can raise the lid and give the birds a good squirt of the oil and vinegar solution... Now, close that lid and get back to work.

You will know the chicken is done by grabbing the tip of one of the legs with a paper towel, careful it will be hot, and gently twist the leg bone in a circle. If the leg bone easily breaks free at the joint, the chicken is done - a beautiful golden brown, moist and tender every time.

Easy huh?

Place the chicken on the grill, mow the grass and when you are finished with your yard you have Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Chicken make that Yard Bird! Serve it up with one of your favorite homemade salsa recipes.

Roasted Corn Salsa or tasty Salsa de Tomatillos Delicious! Wrap it all up in a warm tortilla, complete with your favorite thirst quenching beverage and you will marvel about how great your yard looks.

Imagine. Mowing the grass and cooking supper all at the same time. Enjoy!

Author Bio

Capt'n Salsa provides an outstanding collection of free homemade salsa recipes at his web site, Great Salsa. Submit your favorite salsa recipe for publication at: http://www.great-salsa.com/submit_your_favorite_recipe.html

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Invite Your Friends To Raise A Glass and Celebrate Oktoberfest!

Invite Your Friends To Raise A Glass and Celebrate Oktoberfest!
by: Hillary Marshak

Wish you were in Germany to celebrate Oktoberfest? Now you don't have to
be! Recipe4Living has compiled a delicious menu of traditional German
food and fun for you to host your own Oktoberfest party!

Oktoberfest is a multi-century old German tradition that began in Munich
to celebrate and commemorate the marriage of German Prince Ludwig and
Princess Therese. Now a festival celebrated by millions all across the
world, it's an excuse to kick back with some good German food and German
beer! With tasty menu ideas and beer suggestions, you can have your own
Oktoberfest party in your very own home.


Your RSVP Editor


Start off with some spaetzle, sauerkraut or meatballs flavored with beer!

Holly's German Spaetzle Dumplings

Sauerkraut Soup


German Soft Pretzels

Beer Cheese Soup

Main Courses

Traditional Oktoberfest fare usually involves some sort of sausage,
chicken or cabbage. Keep it authentic with these traditional German

Slow Cooked Spicy Kielbasa

Pork Chops and Cabbage

Chicken Breasts and Sauerkraut over Egg Noodles

Grilled Bratwurst with German Potato Salad

Schnitzel Paniert

Side Dishes

Wilted Cabbage Salad with Bacon

German Creamed Spinach

Shrimp and Fresh Herb Spaetzle with Creamy Tomato Sauce

German Oven Potatoes

German Sweet and Sour Green Beans


Try an apple-inspired torte or a rich German chocolate confection for a
tasty authentic Oktoberfest dessert!

Bavarian Apple Torte

German Sweet Chocolate Cake

Plum Kuchen

Rich German Chocolate Brownies

German Butter Cake


The occasion calls for beer (and lots of it) but here are some
suggestions for alternative drinks to serve in addition to your beer

Apple Cider Punch

Harvest Coffee Cider

Honey Apple Tea

Cinnamon Apple Cooler

Autumn Tea

Presentation Pointers: 1. If weather permits, hold your party outdoors
just like they do in Munich for the real Oktoberfest. It will make your
party feel more like the real thing!

2. Make sure you've stocked up on German beer. Some authentic German brew
labels include: Lowenbrau, Hacker-Pschorr, Paulaner, Spaten, Augustiner,
and Hofbrau. For extra points, serve your beer in German beer steins (see
picture here)!

3. Simple playful games like beanbag tosses, relay races, or beer keg
races will keep up the spirit of Oktoberfest in your own home!

Oktoberfest Resources: But Why Does It Start In September? List of
Oktoberfest Celebrations in North America How to Brew Your Own Beer

If you're not already receiving these weekly party planners right to your
inbox, click here to sign up for the RSVP newsletter!

About The Author
Hillary Marshak is a writer and editor for Recipe4Living.com, a
user-submitted recipe website with more than 16,000 recipes! For recipes
or more articles like this, visit

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chocolate Fountain Description and Help

Chocolate Fountain Description and Help
By: Edwin Hall
What is a chocolate Fountain?

A chocolate fountain is a device for serving chocolate fondue. It can come in many different sizes, mini, medium, large and extra large depending on the number of guests you wish to cater for. The fountain has multiple tiers over a heated basin at the bottom. The chocolate is melted in the basin and then pulled up through the augur and continuously flows over the tiers. When it flows over the tiers, guests are able to select a condiment they would like to dip into the fountain, using a skewer, they select a dip of their choice and coat their item in delicious, warm melted chocolate....heaven!

Essentially, a chocolate fountain is composed of two parts. The base is the motor and a heater. The heater is designed to transpose heat through the base to keep the chocolate in liquid form. The motor drives the screw in the upper part of the fountain. This is an Archimedes screw, weren't they clever! This is thought to have originated around 600 BC, I bet they never thought of a chocolate fountain then. The screw lies in a tight cylinder in a vertical fashion with several holes at the bottom of the screw. The screw lifts the chocolate to the top of the cylinder from where it flows over several plates and down the fountain to be recycled again. This is the basic premise of a chocolate fountain, because the chocolate is thick, there is no need for a pump as the screw is a better means for lifting the chocolate up.

Why have a chocolate fountain? Chocolate Fountains are a new and impressive form of entertainment, they create a fantastic focal point at any major event and provide your guest with a unique and interactive way of treating themselves to luxurious fondue chocolate. Chocolate fountains are a great solution for some weddings, they provide a wonderful desert or can be used for an evening buffet. Some people chose to have a chocolate fountain rather than a wedding cake, this is because chocolate fountains are interactive and people can help themselves as much as they like when the would like it

What should you consider when booking a chocolate fountain? We recommend you consider booking you chocolate fountain at least 12 months in advance, this is because they are extremely popular. To enable you to get a realistic quote you will need to provide the following details:
1. Number of guests the chocolate fountain is to cater for.
2. Location of event.
3. Date of event - (if it's a midweek event you may get a good discount).
4. Duration of event.

Most people book their chocolate fountain for the evening and on average, chocolate fountain companies hire their fountain for a period of 3 hours. However, every wedding/event is different, if you require your fountain during the day or for a longer period of time etc, please discuss this with the chocolate fountain company you have chosen

Home chocolate fountains are mini versions of the commercial ones used for weddings and events. Unfortunately there is a lot of rubbish out there and we get calls regularly from people saying that their mini fountain doesn't work. Here are a couple of things that will help. Only use a quality chocolate that is made specifically for chocolate fountains. This tends to be more expensive but it is the key to success. Chocolate purchased from your local supermarket doesn't work unless you put oil in it, a good quality fondue chocolate doesn't require oil. The poorer the quality chocolate, the more oil you require. This is in fact a contradiction because standard chocolate bars typically contain around 20% vegetable fat anyway, but you will still have to add more oil because of the high level of impurities. If this doesn't work, take the fountain back to the point of purchase and tell them that it is rubbish, maybe some of the high street chains will think again about selling consumers junk!

How do you get the most out of your home fountain. Ensure that you have a variety of dips available, the best to use are strawberries, grapes and other fruits such as pineapple and melon but fruit works really well with chocolate. Ensure that you have skewers and enough for your guests, these are readily available at a variety of shops, especially hardware shops that sell barbecues. Also ensure that you have some large napkins as you wouldn't want chocolate dripping all over your floor. Finally, presentation is key, make sure that your skewers are kept together and that you present your home fountain as clean and attractive on a surface that is easy to wipe to ensure that drips don't spoil your display.

Finally, after your event has finished, don't turn the fountain of and go to bed. Dispose of the chocolate whilst it is still in liquid form as this makes cleaning so much easier. Your fountain should also disassemble into separate parts, put everything except the motor assembly into a dishwasher or a sink full of hot and soapy water and then it should be easily to clean down. Before you pack your fountain away, make sure that it is completely clean and dry to prevent any contamination.
If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the Chocolate Fountain Directory or Chocolate Fountains of Devon for advice and information on suppliers.

Author Bio

Edwin hall is the owner of the Chocolate fountain directory as well as being a part time surfer, father, husband, footballer and general good guy!

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content