by PartyFan
I know I am posting this article early. No self-respecting bachelor, or self-loathing one for that matter, has even thought about going out to buy gifts. The possibilities of an online purchase may have flirted with you, but have more than likely stayed right there at the flirting stage. I'm sure when it comes down to the wire, you will manage to remember a few of the things I'm about to tell you, or at least be able to find this article again - even though you won't bookmark it. (Google isn't just for porn!)
I'm going to presume that you are forgoing the traditional bachelor cheats like buying your gifts at stores that offer a free or low cost wrapping service, buying pre-wrapped items, giving a card or other goodies easily stuffed in a decorative envelope, or using gift bags. If you were going to cheat like that, you wouldn't be needing my advice. You want to do it yourself, for whatever reason. More than likely the reason is you want to impress somebody, and it is also quite probable that that somebody is a female you think is cute.
OK. So what is a bachelor to do? I have heard it said that one can get through life quite handily by merely following quotes from either _The Godfather_ or _Caddyshack_, but in this case I think we can't go wrong with Clint Eastwood: "Man's got to know his limitations." If you are a fumble-fingered klutz, you are going to want to keep things real basic and simple. If you aren't, you'll probably still want to keep things real basic and simple.
Most of us have seen and unwrapped a few gifts by this time in our lives, so you probably have the basic concept. Gift goes in a box, with padding if necessary. Box gets wrapped in pretty paper. Ribbon or other ornamentation is applied to the wrapped box to jazz it up. There is nothing wrong about going with this simple tried and true formula.
Here are a few places that will tell you how to do it right:
eHow Article: How to Wrap a Gift
wikiHow Article: How to Wrap a Present
YouTube Video: How to wrap a gift professionally
YouTube Video: How to Gift Wrap a Box
If you want to do something distinctive, yet still stay in the basic and simple safety zone, here's a unique idea I ran across in of all places, the library. Get a clear glass jar with a cork top, large enough to hold the gift. They sell these at most department or big box stores, and you can probably find them elsewhere at reasonable prices. Cut a round disc of wrapping paper to cover the bottom - remember to put the print side down so it can be seen through the glass. Now line the sides of the jar with wrapping paper, again print side out. Use a small piece of tape to make sure the paper stays in a tube shape, which will help hold it against the sides of the jar. Now you can paint, use magic markers to write or draw, and/or glue doo-dads or glitter, on the outside of the jar. You can do the same to the cork, making sure you don't glue things where they will keep it from still fitting in the jar. You can tie ribbons around the neck of the jar easily, or staple/pin them to the cork. Go nuts! Now put the gift inside, use some padding to keep it from rattling against the glass, and cork it.
The result will be unique, memorable, and hand-made by you, without being very time consuming or difficult. So when you finally get around to buying gifts around December 24th, remember this advice. Or cheat. I have!
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